How do I apply a coupon in the iOS app?
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How do I apply a coupon in the Android app?
In the app you don't have the possibility to apply a coupon code. If you want to apply a coupon for your membership, please go to our website: The following help center article will give you further information about how to ...
How to apply a coupon?
If you have a coupon for your membership, you can apply the coupon very easily when you sign up. 1. The first step is to choose your membership: Flow-Membership or Premium-Membership (either monthly or yearly) 2. Now fill in your customer information ...
How do I request a refund (iOS App)?
When you purchase a membership via our iOS app, all payments are processed through the App Store, not Inside Online. Those purchases are therefore not available for refunds via Inside Online. If you want to request a refund for a purchase made ...
How do I purchase a membership via the iOS app?
For technical reasons, only the Premium membership is currently available via the app (monthly or annual), which includes all of our classes. If you would like to purchase the Flow Membership, which only includes Inside Flow classes, you must do so ...
How can I download a video in the iOS App?
The download function can be used to save videos in the app. Those videos can be watched without internet connection. 1. In order to download a video in the Android app, you first have to open the Inside Online app on your phone and select the ...