How do I add programs to my Favourites in the iOS App?

How do I add programs to my Favourites in the iOS App?

The Favorites function can be used to save or bookmark your favorite programs and keep them in one place.

1. To add a video to your Favorites, you first have to choose a video by clicking on it.

2. Once you open the video, you will notice the icons under the program description. Click on the bookmark icon "Save" to add the program to your Favorites list. (You could also choose another playlist that you may have already created)


The program is now saved as one of your favorites. You can see the icon is fully colored now and it says "Saved". 
To remove the program from your Favorites, simply click on the bookmark icon again. It will turn to the way it looked before and your program will no longer be in your Favorites.


How do I access my Favorites?

To see all of your favorite programs click on your account at the bottom of your screen, then select Favorites under "Content". Now you will be able to see all your favorite programs in one place.

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